Kære Computer

Hello WorldSaturday, Aug 10, 2024

Kære Computer,

Ooof it has been a minute since I started ye olde newsletter more than two years ago, never to be heard from again. What did I do in the meantime? Well not much, except TWO ENTIRE HUMANS. Talk about a task I'm glad I underestimated beforehand. In my extremely limited downtime, I enjoyed digging myself deeper into the rabbit hole of how to optimize the technical aspect of this blog. I spent entirely too much time over-engineering a custom static page generator for these Markdown posts, building a custom continuous delivery pipeline with Github Actions that publishes the changes from every git commit to a cloud server instantaneously.

Question mark

Then I finally got cracking on implementing the immaculately cute design for the blog that AK made me, also two whole years ago. Please please if you're reading this in the newsletter format, go to the web and look at it there on desktop, to get the full experience.

perfect when I'm dead

One of the reasons I have postponed writing for this long, has perhaps also been some kind of trepidation, not wanting to come out with anything less than perfect. A feeling that only grew as time moved on. With this meandering nothing-burger post, I hope to get over that, or at least shushhh the voice enough to get to writing. Not necessarily with any kind of promise of frequency. But with the kind of open, curious and excited space in my mind I can only find if I manage to suspend judgment and toss out all "plans for greatness". There are a lot of things I want to write about: imposter syndrome, raging against the computer machine, teaching, learning, technologies I love and hate, people and projects that inspire me.

I contain the knowledge of 1000 blogs

The internet really is going to shit. I feel like carving out a little corner of it and making it nice and cozy and delightful.

Thanks for reading.

♡ Nynne

computers connecting - the internet!