This is a collection courses I have taught. Classes and workshops that I documented in different ways over the years.
I love finding inspiration in the curricula of others. I wish for this list to motivate me to continue documenting and making beautiful the process of learning, teaching, experimenting and producing knowledge.
Socialt Software, 2025. A theme in the Digital Culture class at KEA taught together with Edith Terte Andersen.
Intro to Programming in Java, 2024. This is an introductory course in programming with Java at the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (KEA). The course is for students with no or little prior experience with programming.
Frameworks and Architectures for the Web, 2020. This class was for MA at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), for students with no prior experience with programming, welcoming creative practitioners, people from the humanities and any other kind of academic disciplies with the aim of capturing their interest in the world of web development.
Mønstre i Modstand, 2019. Class taught at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK) together with Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology & Mace Ojala.